"Who You Used to Be," a Rainy Day Wonder of Childhood PRINT by Deborah Gregg
"Who You Used to Be" a PRINT by Deborah Gregg
"When I was very young, I secretly suspected that I was capable of discovering a whole new primary color. I was sure that there must be one more color we just hadn’t thought of yet and that I could be the one to think it up.
I felt that I was especially likely to be the one to discover the new color because I seemed to be the only one working on the issue. Everyone else seemed satisfied with the three primary colors we already had. I didn’t tell anyone about this because I knew it sounded silly, and rather than have everyone laugh at me, I thought it would be better to just surprise them all with the new color when I’d found it."
~Brigitte Dale from her book "Still"
This is an archival quality photographic PRINT with a luster surface (has a slight sheen but is not high gloss) on Kodak Endura Professional photo paper. It measures 8" x 8". The copyright is on the digital image only, not on the actual print.