"First Frost," an Autumn Pumpkin Patch Frosty Fall Night PRINT by Deborah Gregg
"First Frost" a Fall Print by Deborah Gregg
The wind is laying down and the clouds are clearing. The entire family is out bringing in pumpkins -- tonight will be the first hard frost, maybe even a freeze -- so the precious cash crop will be put in and around the barn and covered for protection. The sheep are being brought in and the kids can't bear to leave the scarecrow outside so he will spend winter in the cozy barn too. In the fields by the house, the "Cut Your Own" Christmas trees are ready for this year's holiday season. In the distance, flying high, a flock of geese head south on a north wind. Winter is on the way. ♡
This an archival quality photographic PRINT with a luster surface (has a slight sheen but is not high gloss) on Kodak Endura Professional photo paper. It measures 8"x10" which includes a thin black border (not shown). The copyright is on the digital image only, not on the actual print. Have a great day! ♡