"The Best Caramel Apples In Town," a small Halloween Witches Jack O Lanterns PRINT by Deborah Gregg
"The Best Caramel Apples In Town!" a small PRINT by Deborah Gregg
It's hard work but they love it, and the sales from their amazing caramel apples (with nuts if you prefer) does make them much needed funds for the long winter, fast approaching. Of course the closer you get to Halloween eve, the more bewitched the orchard gets: a tree that likes to tease Jack 'O Lanterns (and promptly receives a scolding), bats that steal apples, mutant sized spiders and friends from the beyond that pay a visit. But it's all good fun and who can be crabby when the wonderful scent of rich caramel fills the crisp night air?
"When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, tis near Halloween." ~Author Unknown
This is an archival photographic PRINT with a luster surface (has a slight sheen but is not high gloss) using Kodak Endura Professional photo paper. The image measures approx. 7" x 7", entire piece is 8x8 so has a thin white edge. Copyright is on digital image only, not the actual PRINT. Have a great day!